Team OEM Superhero

Majda Albreht is a Key Account Manager OEM with an amazing 28 years of experience in the insulation business (including 11 years at OEM). She is always positive and the future of our business remains her focus. Majda is an economist and mother, … and with her vast experience, she is a superhero of our OEM team.

What do you love the most about insulation?

The thing I love most is the positive impact on the environment.

And of course, the positive influence of insulation materials on various aspects of our life, such as better living conditions, fire safety, sound insulation and also cost savings.

How did your story at Knauf Insulation begin?

I first met Knauf Insulation quite a while ago when I was doing a mandatory internship. I started in the sales department for the Slovenian market right after graduating from high school.

How do you see the future of the insulation industry?

Based on the information that buildings consume more than 40% of EU energy and generate 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in the environment, the use of insulation material on buildings could make a significant contribution to saving energy and consequently, reducing CO2 emissions (Source: European Comission).

What did the COVID-19 lockdown bring for you?

During COVID, I focused more on customers' current needs.

We all tried to adapt to the new circumstances. We discovered that in such a strange situation we could be very creative and resourceful.

One might say that you are a superhero of our team. Who is your hero?

My heroes are my children.




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